Monday, July 27, 2009

Intro Post - FAIL

I just realized that I never did an actual introductory I did one tonight, only for my internet to cut out on me and not save anything. Therefore, more blogging activities will come at another point...arg!

Recent Obsessions...

Once again, it's been a while!

I've been working on changing my diet, trying to eat healthier every day. I've almost completely given up meat...I was a vegetarian for 7 months last year and I've learned that I don't quite have the discipline to keep going with it. However, I don't eat much of it anyway. Hmm...I've been obsessing over a few things, let's get to them...

Flat Out Wraps...or more specifically, pizzas made with these wraps! Delish! I've been making them with every veggie under the sun and they're fantastic.

Bananas, but not banana soft serve. So many bloggers have been making it, but I did and possibly had too ripe bananas because it was awful!

Zucchini - muffins, chips, anything! My neighbors have zucchini coming out of their ears lately and they barely eat it so I've been trying out a few different recipes. What's your favorite way to eat it?

Also, an awesome CHOBANI giveaway below. I think it would be fantastic to win...I've been wanting to try it but I've been scared because I tried the honey one (stupid because I'm not crazy about honey anyway) and I thought it was awful...

MegaNerdRuns: CHOBANI Review and Giveaway!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Things might be changing soon but, just in case someone is actually reading this, I'd rather not talk about it until it happens!

In other news, I've been reading about Trader Joes for months now and I learned that there is one in Pittsburgh and I was in the city yesterday so I took a field it! I didn't want to do a whole big shopping spree but I did buy: Dark chocolate covered edamame, peanut butter pretzels, chocolate cats, some Clif bars, veggie burgers, sweet potato bisque, and maybe some other things...I definitely need to get back there as soon as possible. What's your favorite TJ item?

What else....
foods today: TJ cereal (flakes with chocolate...another thing that I bought yesterday) with blueberries, Amy's sweet corn chowder, sweet potato and veggie burger.

Is anyone doing anything big for the 4th of July? I'm heading to Maryland with some friends for the weekend, looking forward to it!

Lastly, The Healthy Lawyer ( ) is doing a giveaway for Nana's Cookie Company, they look great so check it out!